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Re:Watch the weather for next weel

From: Tiderunner
Date: 10/7/2018
Time: 8:58:02 AM


I've seen several possible storms that might effect CALO but hadn't wanted to post anything along that line, Now I think I have too as (the best with Florence) is showing what will become Hurricane Michael coming across SC after it makes landfall in Florida or Alabama and then moving out over the Atlantic at Myrtle Beach and up that coast to Hatteras. The same areas still recovering from Florence look to be in the cross hairs again for Oct. 12th. The only good news is that this storm will be moving fast and only last about 24 hours for North and South Carolina. Also coming across SC before going out to sea there should not be a large storm surge and hopefully the rainfall will be small. I'm sure that's the last thing our friends want to see Down East.
Tropical Tidbits keeps Michael further inland where it would not effect the coast so let's hope it's the correct forecast !®ion=atl&pkg=mslp_pcpn&runtime

Check this Link:,25.205,-71.104,5,i:pressure