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Re:Contact your NC Senator

From: mullettoadsandflats
Date: 8/13/2019
Time: 6:58:53 AM


like it or not, the bill needs to pass. maybe an exception added for bait fish caught by cast net but pass it none the less. its time for us all to bite the bullet we made. not one person on here can honestly say fishing is as good as it was 20 or even 5 years ago. we as a generation of fisherman must go from filing a cooler to filing cloud storage with photos. if not within our time your kids will be reduced to catching pinfish and skates. attach to the bill provisions to buyout the commercial fisherman , those that want it, pay for them and those in the industry to go to a community college and get a vocational training. push the nets 2 miles offshore. in a couple of years , sport fishing in eastern nc would explode. commercial fisherman that want to stay in should be given a grant to convert their gear to more ocean going equipment or towards being guides. don't just bludgeon them ,give them a way to make it. the more people that move in to nc , the greater the risk that laws will be past that will restrict beach access and fishing. in some place you cannot net on the weekends due to recreational traffic now. get out in front of this now or be left out in the near future. we cannot build a wall around the outer banks and keep it forever to ourselves … but we can pass laws now to benefit our future.. by doing nothing we sentence of love of fishing to a certain death