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Re:Fishing trip anyone?

From: ShoalDonkey
Date: 4/3/2020
Time: 7:11:23 PM


Its not about recreation, although that is part of it. Its about your God given 1st, 5th, and 4th Amendment rights. They are, "that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights"... it doesn't say unless pandemic, or danger, or you're in fear of your safety. It says inalienable. To the uninitiated to know your rights, or the ignorant, inalienable means, "unable to be taken away." - there was no exception given, do you think in our Forefathers infinite wisdom, they didn't consider war, pestilence, or pandemic? They lived in the most troubled times in our nations history, yet GAVE NO EXCEPTION TO THESE RIGHTS.