Drumwagon Picture Page!

Hurricane Isabel - September 18, 2003
Island - 11/16/2003
(Pictures taken by BK Barringer)

BK Barringer finally got down and retrieved his vehicle from the South Parking Lot (the "Hurricane" lot) and sent us these pictures from all over the Island!  The Picture name tells where it's at!  Thanks BK!

south_prk_lot.JPG (68140 bytes)back_rd_Cod_Creek.JPG (37649 bytes)south_of_Grt_Isl_Camp.JPG (37186 bytes)south_of_camp.JPG (36563 bytes)Cod_Crk_shelter.JPG (26936 bytes)3A_4_5.JPG (47436 bytes)all_over_camp.JPG (40211 bytes)10A_10B.JPG (37752 bytes)luck.JPG (71072 bytes)and_skill.JPG (65100 bytes)Cab8_last_of_7- 6.JPG (39756 bytes)sand_under_10 A_10B.JPG (51378 bytes)E_from_Gas_pump.JPG (45853 bytes)NE_from_gas_pump.JPG (49167 bytes)W_from_gas_pump.JPG (60077 bytes)ready_to_be_trucked_off.JPG (48313 bytes)north_from_30_ramp.JPG (30807 bytes)north_from_dump_sta.JPG (34325 bytes)south_from_dump_sta.JPG (41389 bytes)south_from_former_Cab_2.JPG (37468 bytes)looking_north.JPG (25918 bytes)visitors.JPG (61556 bytes)one_reason_we_come_here.JPG (25529 bytes)

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Updated 03/24/09
© 2003 Drumwagon Inc.