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Re:Summer Flounder Season

From: Windburnt
Date: 3/3/2021
Time: 6:58:20 AM


This is some cruel and unusual punishment. I rigged my boat out with $1,000 in led lights and batteries for gigging just before they stripped us of the right. 45 days isn't shit when you work 50 hours a week and it seemed to blow a gale and/or rain every weekend.
Something else disturbing I saw the other day at the seafood house in Morehead- a pile of drum on ice for sale. I usually don't buy seafood, I catch it, but I wanted some tuna. When did they start allowing the sell of drum in bulk? I always thought they could sell one a day, just like our creel limit. Seeing all those spotted tails that I will never get to hook was discouraging.